Friday, June 15, 2007

Look What I Found....

I was in the kitchen and I came upon an empty box of "My Little Pony" Band aids. Hmmmm.....Then I found Caroline with two pairs of shorts on and band aids all over her legs while eating a popsicle in the living room. I just had to laugh. I then explained that it wasn't necessary to wear two pairs of shorts, that one band aid would probably suffice when she wasn't really hurt, and she needed to first ask to have a popsicle and then eat it at the table.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I guess you could look at it this way, Caroline is being super resourceful and independent. She found many band-aids when she was "hurt". She fed herself when she was hungry. She got herself dressed when...well she was already dressed. But I guess you need to work on the eating out of the kitchen thing. I'd say, just be proud ;-)