Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Mustache Era

Guest Blogger: Adam Darowski

I attended Duke Law School. While Duke is largely known for the success of its men's basketball team, it is also famous for having a terrible football team. Notre Dame, on the other hand, is a school with an excellent football tradition. It was with great anticipation, therefore, that I looked forward to the Duke - Notre Dame football game a few weeks ago. Duke was having a typical season, and entered the game with a 1-9 record. Notre Dame was having a shockingly horrible season, and also had a 1-9 record, one of the worst in that school's history. I thought Duke had a decent chance of beating them.

I work with an attorney who graduated from Notre Dame law school this past May, and I could not pass up the opportunity to have some sort of friendly wager on the game. We settled on a mustache bet. The person who's school lost would have to grow a mustache until December 31. Notre Dame prevailed 28-7. I am now 15 days into the Mustache Era.

Other than for a brief experimentation period with a goatee in law school, I have never in my life had facial hair. While many men still wear beards and goatees with dignity, the mustache, for whatever reason, seems to have fallen out of style. As you can see from the attached photo, mine is not very attractive (Laurel has called it "hideous" and "an embarrassment"), but the kids like it. I still have about 29 days to go with it, so I have not reached the half way point. I have learned that a mustache really does not suit me, not that mine has amounted to much yet anyway. It will probably need the next four weeks to come in properly. But at least my colleagues at work are getting a kick out of it. In hindsight, I should have just agreed to a lunch bet.


Annie said...

WoW! I think that I just threw up a little in my mouth. JK-Adam good job at sticking to the bet, regardless to how foolish or cool you look.

Bethany said...

When we left the ward party Friday night Dallan asked me, "Is Adam growing a mustache?" I hadn't noticed, but I told him there's no way Laurel would let him do that. It all makes sense now.

Julianna said...

So hilariously funny!!!

Durham said...

This made me laugh. I don't think it really looks all that bad!

Gooches said...

that is freaking hilarious! love it!

Natalie Scott said...

Wow, Adam, you look HOT baby!

I can not imagine how much Laurel is loving this :o) We've got to come see you guys soon!

Natalie Scott said...

Ryan would like to add that you look like a 1950s private investigator.

We commend you on honoring your're a good man!

Dallan said...

Who bets on Duke football????


Okay, I love when Adam posts! I didn't get to know him very well while we were living there, but through his guests posts....he is quite hilarious. Awesome job on the mustache Adam!

vickstergram said...

I am so loving the Daily Darowski Dish picture, it brings on smiles just thinking about it. Have to admit I'm glad that that handsome attourney doesn't have his mustache on in that picture. . .(or does he)? Well moving right along, I must admit I had a crush on Magnum--maybe if Adam could just move his eye brows up and down once in a while it would totally add to his image. Just don't do it in a crowded elevator all full of males, he might get a stalker.

vickstergram said...
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vickstergram said...

. . .Just thought of a great idea! Let's get Caroline to put some sassy make-up on Adam's eyebrows--she is so artistic with her cosmetology abilities, it would only add to a stunning and winning image! Adam, you are so lucky to be surrounded by such a multi-talented family! Texas is one lucky state. And as for any future betting, I think that a mullet might be the next great look for the loser. (Please cheat to win if you have to).

Mk said...

Rico Suave.

Emily said...

Two words: Creepy Cop.

rvasay said...

I hate to be the complainer but Adam's entry to the blog has been on there since December 2. I love his entry but I'm ready for some new material. I think Adam could be Tom
Selleck's double but don't tell him.
He gets kind of vain----remember when he was thinking of being a male model? We do not want him to start thinking of a moonlighting job!
Nerd Mom #2

vickstergram said...

Noticing a new comment on this blog by nerd mom #2, all I can say is that we do need some more delightful blogger bites to keep us entertained and well informed. (Personally, to nerd Mom #2, what's the best way to actually communicate with you? I truly miss our chats, they are usually so enlightening and hey, things just aren't the same without you.)

vickstergram said...

This comment is really appearing because I am feeding Adam's quest for the greatest number of comments. Also, I think he is in need of a new nickname. How 'bout "Rhett Darowski", just for starters. I suggest that others add their own nicknames just to pamper his ego.