Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Samantha-Two Weeks Old!

So Far Samantha has been a terrific baby. She loves to sleep and we hardly ever hear a peep from her. Nights haven't been too rough and I've been lucky to have help in town so I can get extra rest. Henry and Caroline always want to hold her. She does all the newborn things, the stretching, the face touching, the funny expressions and often I hear Henry and Caroline say, "Mom, Samantha doesn't look so good." I don't know what they expect, but she's just a newborn! And she has made our home that much sweeter! Here is a picture of her at 2 weeks, and one in the car seat.


Durham said...

I remember saying that Caroline was a baby Laurel. I think Samantha is a baby Laurel too. So cute!!!


Hope you don't mind. Found your blog off of Julie's! I had no idea you were prego. How great. What a beautiful new baby girl! Well, all of your children are adorable of course. Hope all is well with you. And congratulations.

Chad and Kristin Withers

Meglet said...

She looks like an angel, really though, did you aim at an angle that would make the blue ring look like a halo, or is this simple a grand coincidence?

Annie said...

Um Laurel, Samantha doesn't look so good...just kidding, she is so adorable and fun to hold. I miss swaddling her up and holding her. What precious spirit.