Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Curbside Check-in

My cool little sister Annie came to visit last week. On her way to the SLC airport she was running short on time and wanted to check her bags curbside. Unfortunately, she didn't have enough cash, so she and my sister Katie had a great idea, they would stop at the Wendy's up the street and ask for cash back at the drive-thru. Yes, it was a desperate measure, but it may just work. As Annie handed over her debit card to the cashier in the drive-thru she asked him if she could get some cash back. He looked a bit confused, and then he went and found his manager.

"No problem. How much do you need?" Said the manager.

Annie was relieved. Who knew you could get cash back at Wendy's.

Just then the manager handed her a Wendy's cash card. Oh....that's what cash back is when you aren't at a grocery store.

There was no time to worry about the fact that Annie would have to tip the curbside check-in guy with a Wendy's cash card, Annie had to catch her plane. As she pulled up to the curb she asked the curbside check-in guy if she could tip him with a Wendy's Cash card, and he said yes. Then he made up a song to taunt his curbside check-in buddies. It went like this:

"I got a Wendy's cash Card, I'm going to get me some Wendy's.... I got a Wendy's cash card, I'm going to get me some Wendy's."

Then Annie checked in, got on the plane and arrived in Texas, just in time for Caroline to give her a big hug and throw-up on her.


Mary said...

Good thinking on your feet. I'll remember that next time I'm in a bind at the airport. hee. hee. :)

vickstergram said...

Hey! I remember when little Annie threw-up all over me. I guess what goes around comes around. . . eventually'

Anonymous said...

Hey Laurel! This is Natalie's most awesome younger sister, Brittany. My mom told me you had a blog so I pretty much had to come and look at it. Okay, see ya!